Leo's birthday always falls around Easter weekend. He was actually born on Good Friday, so Easter always holds a special place in our lives. I remember three years ago to a T. We even made it to all of our Easter dinners and brunches that weekend, and most of our friends and family got to meet Leo. The nice thing about birthdays falling around holidays is that family and friends typically have it off of work, and are home to visit if they live elsewhere.
We were supposed to have a dinosaur themed birthday party for Leo this past Saturday, and I am reminiscing about last year when we had over 40 people at our house to celebrate his 2nd birthday. The house was so full of life, there was an overwhelming amount of love for Leo and our whole family, and Leo got to see all of his favourite humans in the same room.
This year looks a lot different.
We decorated the house in streamers and signs, and had a few little things for him. However, due to self isolation, we celebrated just the four of us - with some very welcomed porch visits with family and friends who stopped by to wish him happy birthday (at a safe distance of course)!
We are so fortunate that Leo had the best day regardless of social distancing. He was incredibly excited with the decorations, and he felt so special with all of the love that everyone has been sending him. He couldn't have been more surprised by the cars driving up decorated to celebrate him!
It made me realize that Leo and Murphy being so young, are just grateful to be here with us. They're happy, fulfilled, and full of life. They don't know there's a pandemic, they're just excited to be on to the next day of activities, snacks, and whatever that day has to bring - but mostly they're excited to spend it with us. I feel we all need to adopt that grateful mentality through all of this. Being grateful to be happy and healthy and onto another day with our loved ones is what this world needs more of.
There is so much uncertainty in the future of so many things right now, like the economy, and when we will be able to really see anyone again. What is certain is I can't believe how much Leo has changed our lives, and we will forever be grateful he's our son. We can't believe three years has gone by in the blink of an eye. These kiddos have such a bright future ahead of them, and even in the weirdest of times, they are such a light in everyones lives. We are so grateful to be their parents, and we are so lucky to all be in this together.
We hope everyone had a great Easter weekend with their loved ones! Thank you for all of the birthday love for Leo, and we're thinking about all of you.