Okay guys - it's been a minute or two, or maybe a year or so, but we're back in business with keeping everyone updated. Life got crazy, busy, and time wasn't on our side for blogging. In saying that, we figured what better time to get back into it than during isolation. Everyone seems to have some extra time on their hands, and it might be a way to feel more connected to everyone considering we can't see anyone. We miss y'all (y'all might be a product of the quarantine crazies)!
For those of you who don't have us on social media and were on here following our home build - it's done! We've been in it for about a year now. There will always be some decorating (aka DIY projects), landscaping, and those kinds of finishing touches to keep us busy, but the living space is complete and it's exactly what we hoped for. We will be posting some updates in the near future on the finished product!
We had our second baby, he's now a year and a half old. Murphy is a pure little ball of sunshine, and always puts a smile on our face. He is incredibly intrigued by the world, and loves to be outside.
Leo is going to be THREE in a few days, and it blows my mind every time I think about it. I don't know where the time has gone. He is brilliant and sweet, and asks about 82,654 questions per day.
We still have Burke, our French Bulldog (of course). He is amazing with the kids, has the patience of a saint, loves to play fetch, and loves the water - he's already been swimming this year!
Mitch has changed careers, he is now a Real Estate Agent with Century 21 in Peterborough (check out his C21 website here). He absolutely loves what he does, and has been working incredibly hard to do the best job possible for his clients. His drive, work ethic, knowledge, and attitude never cease to amaze me. This man is absolutely brilliant, and works so hard. His new home construction background, and his constant eagerness to learn about the real estate business, personal performance, and everything in between makes him an incredibly useful resource for his clients.
As for me, due to Covid-19 I am on a work-from-home assignment, so my days are spent as a stay at home mom. I am grateful for the fact that I have this opportunity to be home with the kids while all daycares are out. I know that many parents don't have that option and need to find other resources. I have friends who are in my field of work who are essential workers, and they've had to send their kids to their grandparents homes or friends homes during this time. To me, that is obviously the right decision because I could NOT imagine my little ones (or any little ones) getting this virus. That being said, it would be incredibly tough on families, and to those of you who have had to do this - you are so strong.
We mostly spend our days exploring outside in the yard and on walks, doing some Preschool learning with Leo, and this past week we did some indoor gardening and Easter crafts that I can share with you if anyone has any interest in some easy-peasy things to do with some things we already had around the house. We also made some bird feeders, but aren't having any luck with attracting birds! If anyone has any tips please leave them in the comment section... we're really struggling in this department!
This past week, and what's looking like this upcoming week as well, has been super tough for entertaining the kids due to the weather. We're finding everyone feels extra cooped up when we can't get outside for our double dose of yard activities, or even a single dose. If anyone's got any fun indoor activities that involve burning energy please let us know!
Speaking of cooped up - we decided this year for Leo's 3rd Birthday we would do something we've talked about for the past year. We're going to get some baby chicks that will grow into laying hens! Huge thanks to Nana for putting that bug in our ear last summer. We're so excited to see it finally come to life. We will be building our own chicken coop within the next month, and our baby chicks come home to us on May 13th. From what I've learned, they won't start laying until the fall - but we figured it would be really great to have them as babies so the boys can watch them grow. We ordered our baby chicks from Starfra Feeds which is located really close to us. They were super helpful and knew all of the answers to my 82,654 questions I had for them.
Stay tuned for our chicken coop plans and build, a little DIY mostly from materials we already have. It won't be anything fancy, but I think with a little TLC and exterior paint the ladies will feel quite at home! We're beginning to think about names for the coop and names for the chicks, if anyone has any ideas let us know! I think it will be quite funny to see what Leo comes up with for names. My guesses are 'Chickaletta' (Paw Patrol) and 'Hey Hey' (Moana) are amongst his selections, but those are the obvious. He typically surprises us, so we will likely end up with chicks names Lisa and Susan.
To wrap this post up, I just wanted to say thank you to each and every one of you for your continued support. We have always been surrounded by the most amazing people, and especially in isolation, we are truly feeling the love. Be sure to check in on your people, as these times can be so difficult for so many. We can't wait to hear what you're all up to these days. Be sure to leave some comments so we can see how everyone's doing during lockdown!
Take care, and stay safe!